Welcome to Fulton Creek Friends Church!  We are glad that you’re here!

Our Sunday morning service is a special time for our Church family and friends to encourage and be encouraged by one another. Our Sunday morning begins at 9:15 a.m. as we come together for a time of Bible Study. We grow best when we learn and serve together. We offer classes for adults, teens and children.

Our Sunday morning worship service begins at 10:15 a.m. but feel free to come early and enjoy a warm welcome and a free gift at the welcome center. If you would like to connect and learn more about our Church take a minute to fill out the visitors form found in the weekly bulletin and drop it in the offering plate before heading into our worship center.

Our worship music is a blend of contemporary and traditional songs performed by our worship team followed by practical easy to understand message from the Bible Our pastor is an expositor of Biblical Scripture. He believes in bringing to light the beauty of the historical context and the timeless truths each text teaches us about God and the life He calls us to live on mission with Him. We believe that each service is a divine appointment. No one comes by accident.
God in His wisdom, sovereignty and providential care draws each person to each service for a personal encounter with Him. Therefore, each service ends with an invitation to respond to God’s call. If you need to pray, then you are welcome to come forward and pray alone or be prayed over by others. If you need to receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, we are here to help you make that decision and begin your new life as a believer and follower of Jesus Christ.

Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. 

The Great Commission Matthew 28: 19,20   

How do I become a Christian?

Becoming a Christian requires a heartfelt decision on your part.  God knows your heart so you can’t fool him!   People come to the God every day for a number of very good reasons.  Some are looking for meaning in their life, others may be going through a traumatic experience and need to know that God loves them.  Others see how the Lord works in people and say “I want that kind of life for myself” and come to know God that way.  It’s so important that you make a decision soon because we are not guaranteed any time here on earth.  It’s important to realize that only you can make this decision about accepting Jesus as your personal savior.  Being “good” is not enough, being part of church is not enough, being baptized is not enough.  It requires a personal decision on your part to pray for Salvation.

Who is Jesus? Why does Everyone Need Him? Can I Recieve Him Right Now?

We believe Jesus Christ is God’s Son. We believe that God our Father and Creator sent Him into the world to do something on our behalf that we could not do for our self. Jesus Christ explains it best in John 3:16-17, consider what He says. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.” Heaven is a perfect place because it is a sinless environment. It is a holy place where God resides forever with His eternal family. We live in a world that is far from perfect because of sin. Sin is anything that we think, speak or do that God finds offensive and commands us not to do. The Bible teaches us that we are born with a nature that is sinful and leads us to commit sin against God even from our childhood. Committing just one sin makes us a sinner and disqualifies us from being part of God’s sinless eternal family and His sinless eternal Kingdom in heaven. If God permitted just one sinner into heaven, heaven would no longer be perfect and holy, it would be just like our world we live in today. Jesus Christ says that God the Father loves us all so much that He sent Him, His only Son into the world to save us and enable all who believe in Him to measure up to God’s standard of sinless perfection so we can have eternal life and fellowship with God the Father in heaven. What did Jesus Christ do to save us? He lived a sinless life, died on a cross for our sins, was risen by God the Father from the dead, and ascended to sit at God the Father’s right hand to be Savior and Lord to all who call upon Him. In God the Father’s economy of justice, we are either guilty or not guilty of sin. What Jesus Christ was sent to do on our behalf is fully sufficient in God the Father’s eyes to cover all His judgement, punishment and penalty for all our sin and sinfulness. Anyone who comes into agreement with God the Father that they are guilty of sin, disqualified from heaven and need His Son Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord of their life, is given God’s forgiveness and adopted into His eternal family. If anyone could make it into heaven on their own by such things as good behavior or doing good things for other people, then no one would need Jesus Christ, and everything Jesus Christ said about Himself, and everyone’s need for Him would be a lie. The truth is all of us need Him as Savior and Lord of our life.

How Can I Receive Christ Today?

Come into agreement with God the Father that you have failed to live a perfect, sinless life and need His Son Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Confess to Jesus Christ that you fully believe He is God’s only Son, that He lived a sinless life, died willingly on the cross for all your sins, and is risen from the dead so that you can call on Him now to be you Savior and Lord from this day forward. Will you pray this simple prayer right now with all your heart?
Lord Jesus Christ. I believe You are God’s Son. I believe You lived a sinless life and died on the cross for all my sins. I believe You are risen from the dead so that I can call on You right now. I ask You Lord Jesus Christ to come into my life, forgive me for all my sins and make me a child of God. From this day forward I will live my life with You and for You as my personal Savior and Lord. Thank You Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.”

Sunday Morning Worship: 10:15A

What Happens Next? 

If you prayed that prayer with all your heart, let us welcome you to the eternal family of God. We also want to help you in your new life and fellowship with Jesus Christ.  This is where your regular attendance at a Bible believing church come in.  Your church provides and environment where new Christians can interact and grow; learning from others who have been walking with the Lord for most of their lives.  The life of a new Christian can be difficult because the Enemy, Satan is our adversary and resisting his influence is more difficult for young Christians.  Your church family is the perfect environment to learn how to resist sin and become more intimately acquainted with Jesus.   We invite you to come and join your new eternal family here at Fulton Creek Friends Church.  Please share the good news of your decision to receive Jesus Christ with us and with others. We look forward to seeing you soon.  If you’ve prayed for salvation then we welcome you into our Christian family.  Please take a moment to let us know by filling out the form below.  We will contact you to see what we can do as a church to help you take your first steps as a new Christian.  

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